The Grand Carousel is Enchanted Kingdom’s elegant centerpiece that greets guests upon their entry to the theme park. With its features of sixty (60) Victorian horses and two (2) Chariots inlaid with goddesses and cherubs, the ride takes guests back to the Victorian era.
- Minimum height to ride is 42 inches (107 cm)
- Guest(s) 32 inches (81 cm) to below 42 inches (107 cm) must be securely held by a chaperone
- Expectant mothers and carried children are permitted on the chariots only
- Differently-abled guest(s) must be assisted by companion(s)
- Guest(s) should be in good health, free from motion sickness and other conditions that may be aggravated by this ride
- Only one (1) guest is allowed per horse
NOT recommended for guest(s) with the following conditions:
- Recent surgery or illness
- Weak back or neck
- Weak heart
- Low or high blood pressure
- Pregnancy
- Intoxicated, under medication or the influence of drugs